Maximizing Efficiency: Top 10 Zoho CRM Features for Manufacturers

Manufacturing using Zoho CRM

Manufacturing businesses have unique needs when it comes to managing customer relationships and streamlining operations. Zoho CRM, with its versatile features, can significantly enhance efficiency and productivity in the manufacturing sector. Here, we explore ten essential Zoho CRM features that manufacturing businesses should be leveraging, with a special focus on the powerful customization capabilities of […]

Zoho CRM vs. Salesforce: Which is Best for Your Manufacturing Business?

Choosing the right CRM is a pivotal decision for any business, impacting everything from customer relationships to operational efficiency. For manufacturing companies, the right CRM can streamline operations, improve production efficiency, and enhance customer interactions. Zoho CRM and Salesforce are two of the most popular options available, each offering unique strengths. In this comprehensive analysis, […]

10 Questions To Ask Before Replacing Your Custom Software

Software Integration

Aging software can be such a pain! Your business is running smoothly and then suddenly, you realize that this piece of software that someone built for you is starting to get old. It hasn’t been updated in a long time. The developer is either not responding to requests or they’re slow to do so. The […]

Paca Hydraulics – A Custom Software Case Study

Paca Industrial Distribution needed to upgrade their decade-old, in-house applications to be compatible with the system upgrades they were implementing. Challenge To update three in-house applications, originally written by an employee no longer working for Paca, that were critical for the efficiency of their warehouse operations. The incompatibility of these applications with new system upgrades […]

Calculating the Cost of a Software Failure

Introduction In today’s technologically-driven manufacturing landscape, robust, efficient, and reliable software systems serve as the backbone of operational success. They not only streamline production processes, but also foster innovation, enhance cost-efficiency, and enable organizations to stay competitive. However, when these systems, especially those tailored to specific business needs, become outdated, they transform from an asset […]

MTSUIP – A Custom Software Case Study

MTSUIP Case Study

MTSUIP needed to break out of their manual, time-consuming data collection processes so they could save time and money, and increase member satisfaction. Challenge To replace MTSUIP’s outdated technology and processes with software that would streamline their work and be easy to use for their members. Solution OneMotion worked closely with MTSUIP Executive Director, Theresia […]

Yellow Malta – Integrating HubSpot, Teamwork, and a Custom Sales App

Yellow Malta Discover local

Yellow believes that innovation is the recipe for its enduring success and that digital transformation is its path to the future. Challenge Tracking Yellow’s aggressive sales budget required a time-consuming manual effort coordinating between three separate software applications: HubSpot®, Teamwork®, and a custom-developed sales application. Solution OneMotion integrated and automated the interaction and communication between […]

5 Ways Leaders Can Help Remote Teams Collaborate and Work Together

Remote Teams Collaborate

If one thing has become really clear, really fast this week it is this: Companies need to be able to have their employees work collaboratively and effectively remotely.   Social distancing as a response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has sent us into our homes, and as a result, the workforce has become completely dispersed.  This places […]

4 Ways To Boost Collaboration By Breaking Down Silos Between Departments

Silos are hard to predict and identify, which makes them the number one enemy of both small and medium-sized businesses. When you’re not paying attention, these “disconnects” fester and grow. Eventually, they have devastating consequences on efficiency, productivity, innovation, and morale. In the long term, they relentlessly erode business growth. There are many major causes […]